Alfacast friend Tom Barnett returns to share his recent adventures in the political swampland & on the front lines of weather manipulation in the Land of Oz.

Tom Barnet is an authentic modern-day warrior, and his straightforward solutions & insightful commentaries are especially welcome as we now witness the attempted imposition of global tyranny.

Tom stops by to tell us about his foray into the political swampland, and give his perspective on the unusual weather patterns and floods afflicting his Australian homeland. We’ll compare our own observations of weather manipulation here in the states to discern its contribution to societal chaos and detrimental effects on personal health.

Tom is the founder of Global Biodynamics which has become an impactful voice in the world of education, health, finance, organic farming, conservation, and more.

The art of ‘thinking for one’s self’ is a central theme in his seminars, retreats & corporate events where Tom shares his eclectic background as a facilitator in holistic healing, education, business & athletics.

As a holistic health practitioner who studied both conventional and alternative methods, his questioning mind has given him a unique point of balance in several different fields.  He has been a political candidate, practiced true law, authored popular books and has lived homeless and without money.

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