Henna Maria is an activist, speaker, poet and practitioner of ancestral healing arts, which she learnt apprenticing with the Shipibo tribe in the Amazon rainforest. In 2019 Henna founded Dawn of Peace, a creative community and peace organisation. Her activism focuses on educating people about the spiritual reality of life, human and animal rights, medical freedom and self-sovereignty. In 2021, Henna founded the international Police for Freedom movement – educating police and civilians about our natural rights, uniting them to stand for freedom in the face of tyranny.

Henna Maria states, “As a true lover of humanity, my heart rejoices at the sight of golden threads of human connection being weaved across the world right now. Through excruciating pain, we are finding our sacred boundaries again. We are remembering our purpose and our place in this Creation. It is with great honour and gratitude that I carry the medicine of the ancients and continue to walk the path of service.”

Show links: https://hennamaria.community/

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