“Truth – Freedom – Love is the Trinity.
The only Authority is Natural Law – for Nothing escapes the Law.”

Freedom fighters and spiritual samurais Steven Whybrow and Eril Kaya join Alfacast for a timely & lively roundtable. Discussion topics will include Occulted Knowledge, the Matrix Control System, Natural Law Principles, Freedom for Humanity, Notice of Liability and the practice of Gnosis as the ultimate Knowledge of Initiation.

As conscious activists Steven and Eril have been central to big happenings in Austrian events as of late. In Steven’s own words:

“We cannot even put into words what is happening here in Austria … we had 100.000+ people in the streets taking over the city of Vienna for real. Police totally stopped, matrix control system going crazy, police marching with the people … amazing! We are literally in the middle of getting rid of the entire Mafia system of control in Austria. We are now putting all of our efforts into taking our country back … from our perspective it can expand out into the World. That’s the basic Focus of my Notice of Liability, De-Constructing / De-Occulting the Pyramid System of Control.”

Eril and Steven co-founded The Gnostic Takeover, with “You want to Lock us down? We Take you down” being the central motto. The Gnostic Takeover is proactively confronting the 5G rollout through the sending of ‘Notice of Liability’ to agents of the system that are, knowingly or unknowingly, causing harm to all sentient beings on the planet, while developing an international version of a Notice of Liability based on Natural Law Principles on which the Universe is founded upon.

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