Benny Wills, actor, poet and communicator extraordinaire returns to Alfacast with a special guest of his own. Jason is a graduate of Benny’s Parrhesia, who heard about this empowering system after hearing Benny’s interview with Alfa Vedic last summer.

As a result Jason is now, well … crushing it! Simply put, Parrhesia is freedom of speech, the true freedom of speech, which comes when one speaks fluidly from the heart with emotions in check to unlock opportunities that many have yet to experience.

Benny & Jason will share how creativity & Parrhesia communication techniques can be a vital and healing bridge in our polarized & ultra-opinionated world. Most important, these skills can effectively neutralize the corporate narrative where even facts prove ineffective against the mass-hypnosis.

For those that missed our last Alfacast episode with Benny, he is an acclaimed poet, emcee, actor, teacher and coach, and has appeared on stages and television sets around the world. He is also the co-creator of the YouTube comedy channel JoyCamp.

Benny feels strongly that the world needs YOUR voice. His Parrhesia training was created to this aim, and has taken the meaning of “free speech” to new dimensions. Communication is the key to success, and Benny’s immersive, hands-on training has empowered many who have unlocked their voice and freed their speech through this brilliant methodology.

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