Do you ship internationally?

We apologize but currently, due to customs restraints, we only ship inside to US states and to Puerto Rico.  We are working on extending our shipping capacity to other countries and will notify our customers once we have this setup again.  Thanks for your understanding as we navigate this issue.

Why do Alfa Vedic Zero Point formulas focus on minerals?

Minerals are needed for almost every bodily function and their incredibly important roles are often overlooked. They’re essential to enzyme function, strong bones and teeth, energy production, immune health, nerve and muscle function, DNA repair and protection while also being critical for the utilization of vitamins. They’re also electrical conductors for cell to cell communication. While we have an incredible capacity to adapt and compensate, there is a limit to what the body can maintain over the long term without proper mineralization. Often, by the time we experience symptoms of imbalance, mineral depletion has become severe.

Why is it necessary to supplement with minerals?

Our food supply has been demineralized due to modern farming practices and selective breeding for fruits and vegetable to fill a niche instead of providing a full spectrum of minerals and vitamins. Even some of the best organic foods don’t have all of the necessary minerals and trace minerals because frequently they’re simply not present in the soils the food is grown in. Many diseases and illnesses may be traced back to mineral deficiencies or improper ratios of minerals. Some scientists theorize that mineral deficiencies are responsible for more diseases than any other contributing factor.

Alfa Vedic provides solutions which are highly absorbable and deliver crucial ingredients to help provide strong and reliable systemic functioning. These include minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and amino acids and other critical elements.

Why are Alfa Vedic Zero Point formulas liquid?

Many don’t realize the true difference between the various types of nutritional supplements. Many times decisions are driven by cost factors and an assumption that all forms of nutrition are similar. They aren’t!

With nutritional supplements, factors such as bio-availability, form, molecular size, and other special circumstances will ultimately determine the true dollar value.

Currently, there are three forms of nutritional supplements: Pills, Capsulated Powders and Liquid. Studies have shown that the absorption range by the body for pills and capsulated powders range from 10 to 20 percent while liquid minerals and vitamins can be up to 98 percent. This can equate to a loss of 70 to 90% of your money down the toilet when purchasing pill or powder form supplements!

More than just the increased bioavailability, liquid mineral and vitamin supplements are easy to take and manage. They can be taken directly with a glass of water or added to juice or other beverages; they can also be added to foods, giving them a nutritional / functional boost.

Our proprietary processes are very efficient and cost-effective, allowing us to make our Zero Point No.4-Zeolite as affordable as possible without sacrificing quality. These processes create the purest, most advanced, and affordable Zeolite formula available in the world today.

What are Humic and Fulvic Acid and what's the difference between the two?

Humic and Fulvic Acid are organic, all-natural substances derived from humates (raw mineral ore) which has been extracted from ancient deposits of decomposed plant matter. Humic acid has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years and is commonly called Shilijit.

Humic and Fulvic Acids in general are very complex molecules (acid radicals) bound to ore in their raw form and then extracted using a variety of methods.

The obvious difference between Humic and Fulvic Acid is their molecular weights (shape & size). While Fulvic Acid is considered the smaller constituent at an average size of 1500 to 3000 daltons (DA), Humic Acid is considered the larger, disc-shaped constituent with a size on average of 30,000 DA. Humic Acids due to their shape/size are more readily able to bind to virus binding sites than Fulvic Acids. However, due to the smaller size of the Fulvic Acid, these likely prove better at accessing more areas at the cellular level. So, Humic and Fulvic Acid each have their unique function and therefore a better base material dependent upon the function or purpose of a specific formula/product.

What is Humic?

Humic is a biological compound created by natural earth processes. These composites were originally deposited by pristine, ancient forests and compacted and transformed over millions of years. Humic preparations contain an incredibly rich source of 100% bioavailable micro and macro mineral nutrients.

Furthermore, Humic is able to beneficially help and influence living organisms in various, unique stages of their life and growth. When the proper amounts of Humic substances are dissolved in water, the water takes on a new form, becoming molecularly restructured. Humic causes water to form pyramid shaped molecules (tetrahedrons) that have valuable, unique medicinal properties.

How do Humic and Fulvic Acids work as Mineral Supplements?

Coined by some as the ‘miracle molecule’, Humic and Fulvic Acids contain trace amounts of up to 83 trace elements and amino acids which are not normally obtained through most common diets. Science has found that these minerals, required in only trace amounts, play a crucial role in optimizing our body systems.

Properly processed Humic and Fulvic acids are an incredibly rich source of 100% bio-available micro and macro mineral nutrients. Fulvic uniquely dissolves minerals and other nutrients into their simplest ionic form allowing these elements to become part of the Fulvic molecule itself. Because of its minute molecular size and super ionic charge, the Fulvic molecule becomes a transporter – easily able to carry many times its own weight in dissolved elements. It carries the minerals and nutrients that have dissolved within it through cell membranes and into the heart of the cells where they can be quickly utilized. Here, these elements function as regulators where they energize and balance cell function and chemical interactions.

Further, Humic and Fulvic play a role in detoxification by transporting out of the cell harmful material such as excess heavy metals and other toxins the cell may have difficulty in eliminating without these complex, miracle molecules.

What are the benefits of using Humic and Fulvic Acid?

Humic and Fulvic Acid have been shown to be powerful anti-inflammatories, immune system boosters, detoxifying agents, rich sources of elements, minerals, and amino acids while also being an incredibly efficient transportation mechanism for delivering essential nutrition to our cells. Fulvic Acid and Humic Acid are used either individually or together as a foundational ingredient in many of the Alfa Vedic products.

Are all Humic and Fulvic Acids the same?

Humate substances vary in consistency and quality. The Fulvic and Humic Acids used in Alfa Vedic Zero Point formulas are derived from the best raw ingredient mineral available, mined from one of the richest deposits of high-quality humate ore located at 7,200 ft. This pristine humate ore was formed from an ancient fresh water lake deposit located far away from any populated areas, pollution or agricultural activity. The water used in processing is snow melt from the Rocky Mountains, not well water.

Not only is it vital to know where sellers of Humic and Fulvic acid source their material, but also how the raw material is processed. Many companies which sell cheap or inexpensive products containing Humic or Fulvic acids have no idea how the product has been processed or if proper protocols have been followed.

Alfa Vedic Zero Point product ingredients, including our Humic and Fulvic Acid materials, are sourced from only highly regulated companies with full certification and documentation of proper methodologies and protocol to ensure that Alfa Vedic products are safe and of the highest quality.

Are Humic and Fulvic Acid safe?

Humic Acid has been used safely for centuries in some cultures. Over the last 50 years clinical tests throughout the world have proven that Humic Acid is non-toxic and without negative side-effects, even in amounts up to 100 times the normal usage level.

How do Humic and Fulvic Acid work as Anti-Inflammatory/Immune System Boosters?

Fulvic and Humic Acids play a significant role in helping remove heavy metals and other toxins. Humic acids are important immune system boosters and regulators, increasing the body’s ability to stay healthy and disease free and have widespread benefits to almost every system in the body.

Humic Acid helps the body to assemble the sugars that are necessary to produce called glycoproteins. These glycoproteins regulate and balance the immune system. It then works efficiently, without creating excessive inflammation.

How do Humic and Fulvic Acid work as Detoxifiers?

Humic and Fulvic Acids are able to “chelate” (attract and attach itself to) toxins and remove them from the body as waste. Humic and Fulvic Acid’s chelating abilities are well established and applied in several industries outside of human nutrition, including the livestock and pet industries.

What is Zeolite?

Zeolites are a rare group of minerals with a four-sided honeycomb structure carrying a negative magnetic charge. The combination of honeycomb structure and negative charge draws heavy metals and toxins to the Zeolite. It engulfs them, enabling the toxins to be safely eliminated out of the body through normal excretory functions. Alfa Vedic Zero Point No.4-Zeolite combines Clinoptilolite Zeolite with a proprietary Humic and Fulvic base, transforming the Zeolite into a unique component of the Humic and Fulvic molecules. This produces a unique solution which is carried directly into the cellular structure of the body and quickly and safely carries heavy metals, chemicals, and other toxins out of the body.

What is the Zeolite source for Zero Point No.4-Zeolite?

We use only Clinoptilolite Zeolite, the highest quality and purest Zeolite available. No chemical processes are used in the creation of our Zeolite formulas and they’re free from mold, bacteria, and fungus. Pure Zeolite has been used in agriculture on the soil, in livestock, animals and by humans for years and has been approved for use by the FDA and USDA.

Is Alfa Vedic's Zero Point No.4-Zeolite formula different than othe Zeolite products?

The deposit of Zeolite we use is the purest available. Our Zero Pint No.4-Zeolite is made with a Humic and Fulvic base which is incredibly effective at increasing the absorption and usage of the Zeolite by the cells of the body.

Why is Alfa Vedic's Zero Point No.4-Zeolite formula less expensive than other labels?

We are not a multi-level marketing company. Our Zeolite is not burdened with the pricing implications of the multi-level marketing structures and systems that are prevalent in the marketplace. Our proprietary processes are very efficient and cost-effective, allowing us to make Zero Point No.4-Zeolite as affordable as possible without sacrificing quality. These processes create the purest, most advanced, and affordable Zeolite supplement available in the world today.

How is Alfa Vedic's Zero Point No.4-Zeolite formula manufactured?

Alfa Vedic’s Zero Point No.4-Zeolite is built upon a base of pure, uncontaminated Humic and Fulvic acid and completed with other key revitalizing ingredients. Our processes never use acid or heat. We use only Clinoptilolite Zeolite, the highest quality Zeolite, and combine it with a pure Humic base. The quality of these elements, when combined with our advanced proprietary technologies, delivers completely bio-available essential elements in the most efficient manner possible.

This creates a unique supplement that is safe, powerful, incredibly effective, and yet affordable. More than just a detox supplement, it energizes and renews while it detoxifies, creating a twofold support system that no other Zeolite supplement can compare to.

Are Alfa Vedic Products Certified Organic?

At AV our trusted relationships with growers and suppliers take precedence over government certifications that, unfortunately, do not assure quality. Our ingredients include certified organic, sources whose integrity can be vetted firsthand, and of course, homegrown herbs from our very own Alfa Vedic Botanical Gardens.

What are “transitional elements”, and are they really any better than other mineral supplements?

Transitional Elements, formerly termed Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements (ORME) to fit the atomic theory of matter within conventional chemistry, are minerals harvested prior to the final stage of metallic density. In this more ceramic form they greatly enhance other nutrients in a given formula, while providing a resistance-free medium for the transmission of energy/information between cells.

Are AV products safe to take when pregnant or nursing?

Any pregnant or nursing women should consult with a qualified Health Specialist experienced in the use of herbs and supplemental nutrition as it relates within the context of any unique circumstance.

Are your Macro-Intensity formulas similar to other nutritional blends?

Biochemistry is the final gesture of larger universal patterns. We are less concerned with quantifying end-nutrition, as we are about ingredients most potent in the informational analogs for our own organ systems. Macro Intensity is further enhanced with homeopathic directives, transitional Gold activation and Humic/Fulvic delivery. No, the AV Macro-Intensity line is not similar to other nutritional blends.

Are Alfa Vedic products available in stores?

No. We cater to our private clients directly, and allow health professionals and health spas to retail Alfa Vedic products on a case by case basis. We do not feel the retail health food stores a good fit for AV, and the time spent servicing such accounts would detract from quality time with our private clientele.

Can I order by phone?

Yes. To order by phone, and for hours of availability click here.

When will I receive my order?

Your Alfa Vedic.com shipment will be sent via USPS Priority Mail within 24-48 hours in receipt of your order.